April 6, 2009

most of you know that i cook sunday dinner - every sunday. i do it as a way to show my love and affection for those near and dear to my heart.

and, i do so unless i'm falling down dead sick...or there's a traitor amongst the family and they opt to belly up to someone else's table [even then i still make dinner, those people just miss out on my ab fab cooking.]

(btw....we do it at 630p on sunday - feel free to stop by - there's always enough for A LOT of people)

this past weekend i apparently met my usual diners with a sub-par meal. my peeps took it upon themselves to educate me (in a rather profuse manner) that my pork loin was dry, the soup was too spicy, and the brownies were chalky.

as a result, i'm publicly apologizing for a recipe (or two) gone awry.

my response: one time. one measly dinner with dessert. i'm sorry.

get. over. it.


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