December 2, 2008

On a trip to Florida we had the occassion to witness some beautiful sunsets and spend some time on a boat, and I couldn't resist the opportunity to snap a few shots. While out on the water we found ourselves on what seemed to be a highway of boats. Everything from huge 'party' boats to the smaller, beginner sized boats; some motorized and some strictly sail boats. At one point, I saw this sailboat coming towards us, and it was really substantial looking yet it looked to be lumbering along. Almost like it was scooting down the highway, rather than sailing. I figured that by the time it made it by us, I would have snapped at least 10 pics. I'm not kidding when I say that I snapped two shots and blinked once and the boat was gone. It was -no joke- the whitest boat i have ever seen, on the water, in my life. When it went by, it made no noise. All we heard was the sound of the wind filling the sails and the lap of its wake splashing against the side of our boat.

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