December 19, 2008

I love my husband! When he's funny, he's really funny!

G - - "Hey - when are we doing Christmas?"
Big R - - "I don't know (Ahem) wait, wait (giggle, giggle) - open something now!"

G - - "No."
Big R - - "Yes. Look at your stocking."

G - - "No."
Big R - - (giggle, giggle) "Yes. It's over flowing. Just open the one that's hanging out and off the edge of it (giggle, giggle)."

G - - "No. This one? It's a brown paper bag. What the hell is it?"
Big R - - (HA, HA, HA - loud laugh) "I don't know. It's stapled shut. Open it up and let us BOTH find out what it is."(HA, HA, HA)

G - - "No. Why? It looks like you've been carrying it around in your pocket for days. Is this used? I don't want used gifts. Who the hell buys used gifts? Better yet, who the hell buys a gift that's in a brown paper bag that reads (squint, get closer, squint some more), "A Surprise for a Girl".
Big R - - "Just open it." (HAAA, HAAAA - loud laugh, no air going in or going out, eyes squeezed shut, snorting)

G - - (HA, HA, HA - loud laugh) "Fine."

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